Sunday, 17 June 2012

Another Bomb blast in North-Central Nigeria!

In the recent times, Nigeria is being faced with diverse menace... Just this morning, there was bomb explosion in three curches in the north western part of Kaduna. As reported, two of these attack were in Zaria, while the third was in the city of Kaduna!

"Casualty figure is yet to be confirmed but a worshipper at the church said he saw three bodies after the attack." 

Following these bombings believed to have been carried out by members of Boko Haram, the Kaduna state government has imposed a 24 hour curfew. 

The big question that troubles minds is "when will all these calamities end?". "The president said he had consolation in God who is capable of handling every situation and healing the nation." It is, then, high time we took the task seriously..."Pray for the peace of "Jerusalem" (NIGERIA)! May they prosper who love you [NIGERIA - the city of the Lord]!"

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