Tobacco related illnesses is a huge global epidemic. It is one of the leading causes of preventable death, and several efforts have been geared toward reducing tobacco use worldwide because it (tobacco) is linked to the death of 6 million people worldwide each year, according to the World Health Organization. Most deaths are in low- and middle-income countries.
Inspite of all alerts, like "Smoking is dangerous to your health" or "Smokers are liable to die young", going out everytime to consumers so as to tell them that they are responsible for whatever become of them, there seems to be no reduction in the number of intake!
The situation has degenerated to the extent that young people of age in the range of 4 to 10 are joining the race! While it is shocking to the Western world, it is not such a rare sight in some places where it is estimated that about a million children under the age of 16 smoke, and that one third of these children try smoking before the age of 10!
It is therefore obvious that our "environment" has a greater impact on our attitude! The case is not limited to smoking, there are diverse negative impacts emanating from our surroundings. What then is our hope, as a country,for greater tomorrow?
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